Sunday, November 22, 2009

WhiteHair ThirdEye Crossing

I need to choose between these two images for the series. On the one hand I like the vivid colors because the images become clearer and sharper as the woman ages. But... on the other hand, I like the more subdued and fading image of one crossing into another world. The softer colors seem to "go better" with the other images also, but that is not the main thing. I need some help. Leave me a comment.


Roswila said...

Like them both, but the first softer colored one wins out for sure (IMHO). I'm a sucker myself for bright colors, but sometimes subdued is what is appropriate. And in this case, I think the softer colors really work with the image itself.

nereid said...

the softer one is the right one ~ commanding without being strident

VCW said...

Thanks to both Nereid and Roswila for their valued opinions. More are welcome.