Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Seasons Fly


Roswila said...

Love the photo and the thought. But I do think it needs re-writing. Maybe too much alliteration (4 "fl"s) and the end rhyme of return and year distracts.

VCW said...

You are probably right. I will think about how I can reword the thought, and maybe someone else will have a suggestion. Thanks for always being honest. That is the only way we can improve... to get honest and constructive criticism.

VCW said...

How about...

Seasons fly away
Hearts sink in a wing's flury
Free birds return
Stomachs quiver
Butterflies come along

Roswila said...

Nice revision.

VCW said...

Thanks, I think that I will go with that... when I get a chance to change it.

Eccentric Scholar said...

While I agree with Roswila's observations, I wanted to mention a couple of things I actually liked about your original version. I liked the word "yearn" appearing before "butterflies," as I can imagine butterflies yearning for wings of freedom. I also liked the fluttering hearts in the original version. Again, this is not meant as a disagreement with Roswila or with your revision. I merely wanted to toss in my two cents.

VCW said...

Thanks for your two cents Eccentric. I was hoping that someone else would chime in. I am still thinking about changes in all of the text for these images... so the revision is not written in stone yet. I am still thinking. Toss your two cents where ever you like.

VCW said...

How about...

Seasons fly away
Hearts flutter as wings soar
Free birds come back
Stomachs yearn
Butterflies come along

What does anybody think?