Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nobody saw vivid connections?

In reference to the previous post Precognition and Dreamku?... It seems as if no one else saw all the connections that I did. I guess that I will have to write a story in more detail that shows all that happened and my feelings about it as it unfolded... through my character Cheyenne's eyes.


VCW said...

It seems that I did get a response to my 'Precognition and Dreamku' posting after this 'nobody saw connections' post. Thanks to the eccentric scholar for his insight. I do agree that lucid *waking* might be a better explanation of my experience with my dreams and writing that came before seeing the movies with my grandson. (See post for Friday May 2, 2008.)

Anonymous said...

Great work.

VCW said...

Thanks, Modesty, for stopping by and leaving a message. It is always nice to know that someone is taking the time to look around. -VCW

VCW said...

Modesty, in case you visit again, I was wondering if your statement was about to the blog in general ... or the dreamwork referred to in the "Nobody saw vivid connections?" posting. Sometimes it is hard to tell. Thanks again for your comment.