Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Moonlit Memories


Roswila said...

Sorry to say, but your email is still bouncing (I just tried to resend the one that bounced twice yesterday) ... :-(

Roswila said...

Me again. I should also say "keep up the good work!" I'm really enjoying what you're doing. :-D

VCW said...

Glad that you keep stopping by to look. I don't know what exactly is going on with my computer. I got your invitation for dreamjin and I accepted. Looks like it will be fun. I don't know how much I will participate, but I will. From time to time, anyway. You know how my involvement on the internet is erratic.

Roswila said...

Now to comment on this, yes, it could probably qualify as a haiga: lovely. I wondered a wee bit about the "m" alliteration, but somehow it works. :-D

VCW said...

Hey Roswila,

The 'm' alliteration was not intentional. That is just what I wanted to say. Glad that you think that it works.